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    relativo a: State University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart
  2. Start Your Journey Toward A Creative Career! Request More Info. Performing Arts Degree. Gain Experience with the Most Advanced Tools to Turn Your Passion into Your Profession.

Risultati di ricerca

  1. Founded in 1857 the State University of Music and the Performing Arts Stuttgart is the oldest and – with currently almost 830 students – the biggest University of Music in Baden-Wurttemberg.

  2. The Bachelor of Music course enables you to study: all instrumental subjects (except accordion), singing, orchestral conducting, choral conducting, composition, music theory and elementary music pedagogy. You can enroll for our postgraduate programs consecutively or non-consecutively.

  3. Aktuelles. 14. Internationaler Wettbewerb für Liedkunst Stuttgart. Der Liedwettbewerb wird vom 24. bis 29. September im Konzertsaal der HMDK Stuttgart ausgetragen. weiter. Tage für Literarisches Sprechen vom 19. bis 22. September.

  4. The State University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart is a professional school for musicians and performing artists in Stuttgart, Germany. Founded in 1857, it is one of the oldest schools of its kind in Germany.

  5. The State University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart, founded in 1857, is a public school of music and drama seated in Stuttgart, Baden-Wuerttemberg. It provides nearly 720 students with study opportunities in the fields of Music and Performing Arts.

  6. La State University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart è una scuola professionale per musicisti e artisti dello spettacolo a Stoccarda, in Germania. Fondata nel 1857, è una delle scuole più antiche del suo genere in Germania. Storia.

  7. The State University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart ranked 177th in Germany and 5783rd in the World 2024 overall rankings with an acceptance rate of 13%, enrollment - 718, founded in 1857.

  1. Annuncio

    relativo a: State University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart
  2. Start Your Journey Toward A Creative Career! Request More Info. Performing Arts Degree. Gain Experience with the Most Advanced Tools to Turn Your Passion into Your Profession.