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  1. STOKELY. (1942-1998) Militant pour les droits civiques et un des protagonistes des mouvements noirs aux États-Unis dans les années 1960, Stokely Carmichael était né le 29 juin 1941 à Port of Spain (Trinité-et-Tobago). Il s'établit à New York en 1952.

  2. 17 mag 2018 · Stokely Carmichael [1] 1941– Activist, lecturer, author At a Glance… [2] Joined Civil Rights Movement [3] Turning From Nonviolence [4] International Focus [5] Selected writings [6] Sources [7] “Flailing at the white society he condemns, the young man galvanizes his audience with the strident call

  3. In June 1966, the national chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), Stokely Carmichael, first voiced the slogan “Black Power” during a march in Mississippi. James Meredith initiated the march to protest white resistance, in defiance of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, to black voter registration.

  4. Stokely Carmichael em uma conferência de imprensa de 1966 no Mississippi. Stokely Carmichael foi um importante ativista do Movimento dos Direitos Civis que alcançou destaque (e gerou enorme polêmica) quando fez um apelo ao " Black Power " durante um discurso em 1966. A frase se espalhou rapidamente, provocando um acirrado debate nacional.

  5. 4. Huey Percy Newton (February 17, 1942 – August 22, 1989) was an African American revolutionary and political activist who founded the Black Panther Party. He ran the party as its first leader and crafted its ten-point manifesto with Bobby Seale in 1966. Under Newton's leadership, the Black Panther Party founded over 60 community support ...

  6. Stokely Carmichael, chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, speaks to reporters in Atlanta in May 1966. That year, his use of the phrase "black power" at a rally in Mississippi ...

  7. 8 feb 2023 · On Stokely Carmichael's approach to the civil rights movement. What Stokely realized, particularly after the passage of the Voting Rights Act in 1965, was that just registering Blacks in the South ...