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  1. Die Stony Brook University ist eine Universität im US -Bundesstaat New York und Teil des Hochschulverbundes State University of New York. Geläufig sind auch die Bezeichnungen State University of New York at Stony Brook sowie die Kurzformen SUNY Stony Brook, SBU oder SUNYSB . Der Hauptcampus liegt in Stony Brook auf Long Island.

  2. Holiday Inn Express in Stony Brook, on Route 347, is located less than two miles from the Stony Brook campus. Reserve online or call (631) 471-8000 (1-800-HOLIDAY). The Three Village Inn, featuring a “taste of New England” in historic Stony Brook village. Nestled in the heart of historic Port Jefferson, Danfords Hotel & Marina on the Sound ...

  3. Stony Brook University is one of America’s most dynamic public universities. A member of the invitation-only Association of American Universities, Stony Brook is one of the 66 top research institutions in North America.

  4. Stony Brook University was established in 1957 as a college for the preparation of secondary school teachers of mathematics and science. The first campus was located in Oyster Bay, Long Island. In 1962, a new campus was built near the historic village of Stony Brook on land donated by local philanthropist Ward Melville. Part of the SUNY system, the University is now recognized as one of the ...

  5. Stony Brook University resides on the ancestral, traditional, and contemporary lands of the aboriginal territory of the Setauket or the Setalcott tribe. We acknowledge federal and state recognized tribes who live here now and those who were forcibly removed from their homelands.

  6. Student Outcomes. The students will demonstrate the following: 1. Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions. 2. Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program's discipline. 3.

  7. 石溪大學(英語: Stony Brook University ,缩写: SBU ),又名纽约州立大学石溪分校( State University of New York at Stony Brook ,缩写: SUNY SB ),是一所成立於1957年的纽约州州立大學,坐落于美國紐約州長島東部苏福克县的石溪,是紐約州最年輕的一所大學,被諸多公開出版物列于紐約州最頂尖的公立大學 ...