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  1. Suckers is a 2001 American comedy-drama film directed by Roger Nygard, who co-wrote the story with Joe Yanetty. It is about the car sales business in the United States, and stars Joe Yannetty, Jake Johannsen, Daniel Benzali, Michael D. Roberts, Louis Mandylor and Lori Loughlin.

  2. Daniel Benzali stars as a pit bull of a car salesman who trains his crew to bilk customers out of as much cash as possible. Things go astray in Reggie’s tightly-run venture when loan sharks call in a salesman’s substantial debts. Directed by Roger Nygard, written by Nygard and Joe Yannetty.

    • Suckers (film) film1
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  3. › title › tt0199054Suckers (1999) - IMDb

    Suckers: Directed by Roger Nygard. With Joe Yannetty, Jake Johannsen, Daniel Benzali, David Ackert. Ever bought a used car from a dealer before? Want to know what REALLY happens behind the scenes?

  4. 11 set 2020 · Suckers (1999) Original Trailer. Daniel Benzali stars as a pit bull of a car salesman who trains his crew to bilk customers out of as much cash as possible. Things go astray in Reggie’s tightly...

    • 2 min
    • 21,9K
    • Synapse Films
  5. This movie is now available here: Clips from the film - SUCKERS: sales meetings; shower customer; drug buy.

  6. Stream 'Suckers' and watch online. Discover streaming options, rental services, and purchase links for this movie on Moviefone. Watch at home and immerse yourself in this movie's story anytime.

  7. Suckers. Formato: VHS. 4,7 196 voti. 4799€ Blu-ray. 43,52 € DVD. 23,45 € Segnala un problema con questo prodotto. Novità: Paga in Contanti. Acquista online e paga in contanti nel punto vendita più vicino. Scopri di più. Dettagli prodotto. Fuori produzione ‏ : ‎ No. Dimensioni prodotto ‏ : ‎ 19,05 x 10,8 x 22,86 cm; 997,9 grammi.