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16 ore fa · Although the Avatar movies are named after a specific type of character, Avatar: Fire & Ash risks completely forgetting this original premise. Avatar: Fire & Ash ’s story has a lot of ground to cover. After the relatively straightforward plot of 2009’s Avatar, 2022’s Avatar: The Way of Water complicated matters on Pandora.
2 giorni fa · Le 15 janvier 2009, le commandant Sully réussit à poser in extremis son avion sur l'Hudson, sauvant ainsi la vie des 155 passagers à bord ce jour-là. Si la presse et l'opinion le portent en héros, une enquête est ouverte, menaçant sa réputation et sa carrière.
5 giorni fa · Au cœur du quartier du Marais, à Paris, découvrez la cour et le jardin de l'Hôtel de Béthune-Sully, sans oublier sa librairie ! Lire l'histoire du monument.
2 giorni fa · Infos pratiques, dates d'ouvertures et tarifs de la saison. Notre equipe vous accueil pour votre visite guidée du Chateau, la boutique et le salon de thé.
6 giorni fa · Pilotuje go doświadczony kapitan Chesley Sully Sullenberger (Tom Hanks). Kiedy samolot traci dwa silniki, mężczyzna podejmuje decyzję o awaryjnym lądowaniu na rzece Hudson. Pilotowi udaje się uratować 155 osób, dzięki czemu zdobywa sławę i uznanie.
2 giorni fa · Check out the detailed pricing information for Sully. Explore pricing tiers and compare pricing against other Patient Engagement Software.
3 giorni fa · In this video from 2023, his mom filled him in on another surprise grandparent visit, and his reaction was everything. Once, he and his grandpa got to go shopping together, and you might as well have told this dog he won the lottery. And yes, he loves his mom just as much. In one video she shared of what happened when she picked Sully up from ...