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  1. 4 giorni fa · Synopsis. After accidentally crash-landing in 2022, time-traveling fighter pilot Adam Reed teams up with his 12-year-old self for a mission to save the future. Videos: Trailers, Teasers, Featurettes. Cast. Ryan Reynolds. Adam Reed. Walker Scobell. Young Adam. Mark Ruffalo. Louis Reed. Jennifer Garner. Ellie Reed. Zoe Saldaña. Laura.

  2. 1 giorno fa · In 2022, after Cavill reprised his role in Black Adam, a film centered around his iteration of Superman was back in active development, intended to serve as the first film focusing solely on the character since Man of Steel.

  3. 5 giorni fa · Embark on a heartfelt journey through time and self-discovery with 'The Adam Project.' Directed by Shawn Levy, this captivating sci-fi adventure stars Ryan R...

  4. 5 giorni fa · CantaloupeCamper. • 2 hr. ago. It’s fun. Pretty predictable, but well done and an entertaining pg-13 sci fi movie that feels largely targeted at that age range. Good entertainment. Reply. Award. Share. And Oh My God what a movie it is... like I've been a sci-fi fan for a long time and this movie was a blast... I had watched its trailer earlier…

  5. 22 ore fa · The film will be released on July 26, 2024. Who has directed 'Deadpool & Wolverine'? Shawn Levy has directed 'Deadpool & Wolverine'. Earlier, he directed the sci-fi family film, 'Real Steel'. He has also worked with Reynolds on films like 'Free Guy' and 'The Adam Project'.

  6. 2 giorni fa · The Adam Project. 製作国: アメリカ. 上映時間:106分. ジャンル: アクション. アドベンチャー・冒険. 3.7. あらすじ. 科学技術が発達した2050年ー。 戦闘機パイロットのアダム・リードは、あることをキッカケに〈タイムトラベル技術の発明を阻止し、未来の世界を救う〉という超重大ミッションに挑むことに。 成功のカギを握る“2018年”に向かおうとしたアダムですが、まさかのアクシデントに見舞われ、“2022年”の世界に不時着してしまう…。 そこで出会ったのは、いじめられっ子だけど生意気さ真っ盛りな12歳の自分自身だった! 続きを読む. 監督. ショーン・レヴィ. 脚本. ジョナサン・トロッパー. T・S・ノーリン. ジェニファー・フラケット. マーク・レヴィン.

  7. 3 giorni fa · Inhalt. Der 12-jährige Adam Reed, der immer noch den plötzlichen Tod seines Vaters ein Jahr zuvor betrauert, betritt eines Nachts seine Garage und stellt fest, dass sich dort ein verwundeter Pilot versteckt. Dieser Pilot entpuppt sich als eine ältere Version von ihm selbst – aus einer Zukunft, in der die Zeitreiserei noch in den ...