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  1. 1 giorno fa · labels. The Duke Of Chicago: The Duke Turner Story. Willie Roy Turner was born on the 21st of February 1939 in Louisville, Mississippi, the fourth of eight children born to parents Florence and Herman Turner. It was Herman who gave his son Willie Roy the pet/nickname of ‘Duke’, which Willie used as his stage and professional name in later life.

  2. 1 giorno fa · List of calypsos with sociopolitical influences

  3. 3 ore fa · 2024 deaths in the United States

  4. › wiki › JôJô - Wikipedia

    3 ore fa · Club. Cresciuto nelle giovanili del Corinthians, Jô esordisce in prima squadra nel 2003, all'età di sedici anni. Nelle tre stagioni successive passate nel club di San Paolo, il centravanti gioca un totale di 82 partite di Campeonato Brasileiro, segnando 13 gol e conquistando con la squadra la vittoria del campionato nazionale nel 2005.

  5. 1 giorno fa · Musikjahr 1958 „Volare oh, oh – Cantare oh, oh, oh, oh – Nel blu dipinto di blu – Felice di stare lassù“ lauten die ersten Zeilen des Liedes Nel blu, dipinto di blu, mit dem der italienische Sänger, Komponist und Schauspieler Domenico Modugno das Sanremo-Festival 1958 gewinnt und auch den dritten Platz beim Grand Prix Eurovision de la Chanson in Hilversum holt.

  6. 3 ore fa · Anastacia is a one hit wonder in NZ, granted the album this serves as a lead single for proved to be a gigantic hit for her, however her second and third albums completely flew under the radar over there as opposed to them gaining traction here in Australia and throughout Europe for the American singer.

  7. 3 ore fa · All Activity; Home ; Zona Musical (Mp3s, Canciones, Noticias, Grupos, Partituras, Tocatas) Mp3z ; Misceláneos ; MP3 NEW RELEASES (2024) WEEK 24 GloDLS