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The Ivory Game is a 2016 American documentary film, directed by Kief Davidson and Richard Ladkani. The film examines the ivory trade, which has become a global concern, pitting governments and environmental preservationalists against poachers and Chinese ivory merchants. [1]
The Ivory Game: Directed by Kief Davidson, Richard Ladkani. With Andrea Crosta, Ian Stevenson, Prince William of Wales. Wildlife activists in take on poachers in an effort to end illegal ivory trade in Africa.
17 nov 2016 · Caccia all'oro bianco: The Ivory Game. Gli elefanti africani sono quasi estinti e due documentaristi s'infiltrano nella rete del traffico internazionale dell'avorio, smascherando bracconieri e contrabbandieri.
Wildlife activists and investigators put their lives on the line to battle the illegal African ivory trade, in this suspenseful on-the-ground documentary. Info sul film 14288.
The Ivory Game (2016), scheda completa del film di Kief Davidson, Richard Ladkani: trama, cast, trailer, gallerie, boxoffice, premi, curiosità e news.
A film about the undercover war combatting the extinction of elephants. From executive producer Leonardo DiCaprio, The Ivory Game is an epic documentary thriller that goes undercover into the dark and sinister underbelly of ivory trafficking.
Elephants are disappearing at the staggering rate of 1 every 15 minutes. Their deaths are fueled by the illegal ivory trade, a dangerous network of violence ...