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The Last Shot You Hear is a 1969 British thriller film directed by Gordon Hessler and starring Hugh Marlowe, Zena Walker, Patricia Haines, and William Dysart. [1] The screenplay was by Tim Shields based on William Fairchild's 1959 playThe Sound of Murder.
The Last Shot You Hear è un film del 1969 diretto da Gordon Hessler. [1] [2] Trama. Storia di un omicidio che coinvolge uno scrittore, sua moglie e il suo amante. Note. ^ THE LAST SHOT YOU HEAR-1969-ZENA WALKER-B&W-8x10 STILL FN: Fine Softcover/Paperback (1969) | DTA Collectibles, su www.abebooks.it. URL consultato il 5 dicembre 2023.
The Last Shot You Hear: Directed by Gordon Hessler. With Hugh Marlowe, Zena Walker, Patricia Haines, William Dysart. Murder plot involving a writer, his wife and her lover.
- (82)
- Thriller
- Gordon Hessler
- 1970-02
27 dic 2023 · An illustration of two cells of a film strip. Video. An illustration of an audio speaker. Audio. An ... The Last Shot You Hear (1969) Video Item Preview
7 set 2024 · Stream 'The Last Shot You Hear' and watch online. Discover streaming options, rental services, and purchase links for this movie on Moviefone. Watch at home and immerse yourself in this...
Visit the movie page for 'The Last Shot You Hear' on Moviefone. Discover the movie's synopsis, cast details and release date. Watch trailers, exclusive interviews, and movie review.
The Last Shot You Hear. 1969. Directed by Gordon Hessler. sex becomes a murder weapon in… Charles Nordeck is a successful marriage counselor whose own marriage is on the rocks. When his wife Anne seeks a divorce, Charles refuses to sign the papers fearing the bad publicity could ruin his career.