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  1. 3. ». If you liked The Magic of Ordinary Days you are looking for Heartfelt drama type movies. Related movies to watch are "The Lost Valentine", "Come See the Paradise" and "Follow the Stars Home". See our list of 41 similar movies.

  2. So in The Magic Of Ordinary Days Skeet Ulrich who has an agricultural exemption and one lonely life as a farmer agrees to marry her and take the child as his own. Those kind of arrangements usually don't work out, but in this case the various crises the face plus just the ordinary day to day living trying to keep that farm running causes bonds between them to start and grow.

  3. Film Details. Also Known As. Hallmark Hall of Fame, Magic of Ordinary Days Genre. Adaptation. Drama. Period. Release Date. 2005 ...

  4. Tout au long du film on découvre une vie simple à la campagne. Peu à peu le jeune fille s'habitue à cette nouvelle vie. Si l'amour ne vient pas tout de suite, il y a déjà de la tendresse.La naissance du bébé rapproche les 2 époux. Ce film est agréable à regarder.Il est simple, reposant.

  5. Le recensioni dei critici. Pregnant out of wedlock, an educated young woman is pressured by her father into an arranged marriage with a lonely farmer in this drama set during WWII.

  6. Plot The Magic of Ordinary Days. De Tweede Wereldoorlog is uitgebroken en de wereld staat in brand. In het vredige Colorado woont de serieuze domineesdochter Livy Dale. Ze wil graag historica worden, maar ziet haar plannen gedwarsboomd als ze ongewenst zwanger wordt van een soldaat. Hij laat haar in de steek en haar puriteinse vader dwingt haar ...

  7. The Magic of Ordinary Days ist ein Film von Brent Shields mit Keri Russell, Skeet Ulrich. Synopsis: Weil Livvy (Keri Russell) unehelich schwanger wird, schickt sie ihr Vater ins ländliche Colorado.