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Puoi usare Pulse per rispondere velocemente agli ospiti, per aggiornare la disponibilità e i dettagli delle prenotazioni, per ricevere aggiornamenti importanti e tanto altro ancora, e puoi fare tutto dal palmo della tua mano.
30 ago 2024 · The Pulse. From NPR. Go on an adventure into unexpected corners of the health and science world each week with award-winning host Maiken Scott. The Pulse takes you behind the doors of operating...
Emerging ideas on consciousness, current events, science, solutions & more – birthing a new planetary consciousness. Explore how our current paradigms shape our society. Click to read The Pulse, a Substack publication with tens of thousands of subscribers.
Go on an adventure into unexpected corners of the health and science world each week with award-winning host Maiken Scott. The Pulse takes you behind the doors of operating rooms, into the lab with some of the world's foremost scientists, and back in time to explore life-changing innovations.
Go on an adventure into unexpected corners of the health and science world each week with award-winning host Maiken Scott. The Pulse will take you behind the doors of operating rooms, into the lab with some of the world’s foremost scientists, and back in time to explore life-changing innovations.
pulse n (heart rate) polso nm : battito cardiaco, battito nm : Too much caffeine can cause you to have a fast pulse. Troppa caffeina può far venire il polso accelerato. pulse n (rhythm) ritmo nm : The pulse of the music made Alison want to get up and dance. Il ritmo della musica ha fatto venire voglia a Alison di alzarsi e ballare. pulse⇒ vi ...
THE PULSE is a news magazine that tells stories at the heart of health, science, and innovation, exploring the questions that make people go, “Yeah, why is that?” Listeners hear stories from ground level, where illness, healing and discovery are personal.
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Risparmi su the pulse. CD, Vinili & molto altro