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Risultati di ricerca

  1. Nella barra di ricerca, inserisci una destinazione o toccala sulla mappa. Tocca Indicazioni stradali . Sopra la mappa, tocca A piedi nella barra degli strumenti della modalità di viaggio. Tocca Live View in basso al centro. Segui le istruzioni sullo schermo per aiutare Maps a rilevare la tua posizione.

  2. Apri Google Maps. Cerca un luogo o fai clic su un indicatore sulla mappa. Seleziona la foto con l'icona di Street View . Al termine, fai clic su Chiudi in alto a destra. Utilizzare Pegman. Apri Google Maps. In basso a destra, fai clic su Pegman , Trascina Pegman sull'area che vuoi esplorare.

  3. Select the photo with a Street View icon . When you’re done, at the top right, click Close . Use Pegman. Open Google Maps. In the bottom right, click Pegman . Drag Pegman to the area you want to explore. Unclick to drop Pegman on a blue line, blue dot, or orange dot on the map.

  4. Sul tuo telefono o tablet Android, apri l'app Google Maps . Tocca l'indicatore di un luogo. In basso, tocca il nome o l'indirizzo del luogo. Scorri e seleziona la foto con la dicitura "Street View". Puoi anche selezionare la miniatura con l'icona Street View . Al termine, tocca la freccia Indietro in alto a sinistra.

  5. In Gmail: Search using advanced search criteria, chips, and apps search overlay. Learn how. Open Gmail. At the top, in the search box, enter your search criteria. Press Enter. (Chat in Gmail enabled only) Choose where to search by clicking Mail, Conversations, or Spaces: Mail searches your email.

  6. 12 ago 2019 · Morning, Have xps files and cannot find xps viewer on my computer or download it. Please help

  7. 1 mag 2024 · For classic Outlook, select the icon without a “New” tag. From the Windows Start Menu, type “Registry Editor” in the search box and select the Registry Editor app. Navigate to the following path: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Preferences. Scroll to the bottom of the list to and double click on ...

  8. Select Edit or Delete . You can now view and interact with comments while watching content on your smart TV or game console. To view the comments for a video, go to the video's watch page and select the video’s title. The About section will surface, featuring the video’s comments panel.

  9. 31 gen 2024 · You could restrict the users by assigning them with different permissions: 1. Go to the list for which you want to restrict the view. 2. Click on the gear icon in the top right corner and select "List settings". 3. Under the "Views" section, click on the view that you want to restrict. 4.

  10. 25 feb 2018 · Press Win + R to open Run. Type inetcpl.cpl, and then click OK. Go to the Content tab. Under AutoComplete, click on Settings. Click on Manage Passwords. This will then open Credential Manager where you can view your saved passwords. *Modified title for accuracy*. *Original title: Finding saved passwords on windows 10 PC*.

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