Risultati di ricerca
The Wild Pony is a made for pay-TV movie produced in 1983 by Kevin Sullivan (Anne of Green Gables) and Eda Lishman. Sullivan and Lishman also co-wrote the screenplay based on the book "The Year of the Black Pony" by American author Walt Morey.
The Wild Pony: Directed by Kevin Sullivan. With Marilyn Lightstone, Art Hindle, Josh Byrne, Kelsey McLeod. To save her ranch after the accidental death of her husband, a woman marries the man responsible for the mishap.
- (76)
- Drama, Family
- Kevin Sullivan
- 87
A cavallo di un pony selvaggio (Ride a Wild Pony) è un film d'avventura per ragazzi del 1975 prodotto dalla Walt Disney Pictures, diretto da Don Chaffey e basato sul romanzo A Sporting Proposition di James Aldridge.
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Go behind the scenes of the Sullivan film, The Wild Pony. Featuring narration by Director Kevin Sullivan and archival footage.Subscribe for more The Wild Pon...
- 9 min
- 864
- Sullivan Entertainment
To save her ranch after the accidental death of her husband, Sarah Fellows (Marilyn Lightstone) marries Frank Chase, the man responsible for the mishap.
- 2 min
- 8,7K
- Sullivan Entertainment
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