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  1. 23 nov 2022 · Theodore Roosevelt. Twenty-Sixth President, 1901–1913. Campaign. In 1903, Roosevelt was vice president of the United States. He assumed the presidency on September 14, when President McKinley died from gunshot wounds. Roosevelt understood that he would need the support of Republicans in Congress in order to win the 1904 election, despite not ...

  2. Theodore Roosevelt ( Manhattan, 27 d'octubre de 1858 - Sagamore Hill, 6 de gener de 1919) fou el 26è president dels Estats Units. Va ser nomenat president als 42 anys, el més jove dels presidents fins llavors. Roosevelt és considerat un dels presidents més capaços i actius dels Estats Units, donada la seva intensa i frenètica vida (o com ...

  3. Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt. The presidency of Theodore Roosevelt started on September 14, 1901, when Theodore Roosevelt became the 26th president of the United States upon the assassination of President William McKinley, and ended on March 4, 1909. Roosevelt had been the vice president for only 194 days when he succeeded to the presidency.

  4. Theodore Roosevelt. Informationen kan være hentet fra Wikidata. Theodore 'Teddy' Roosevelt ( 27. oktober 1858 – 6. januar 1919 ), USA's 26. præsident 1901 - 1909 og i 1906 modtager af Nobels fredspris for sine bestræbelser for at afslutte den Russisk-japanske krig. Desuden havde han tidligere modtaget Kongressens Æresmedalje.

  5. Theodore Roosevelt served as president from 1901-1909, ascending to the office after the assassination of William McKinley. In foreign policy, Roosevelt advocated for a stronger army and navy, and increased American intervention in Latin America through declaring the "Roosevelt Corollary" to the Monroe Doctrine and constructing the Panama Canal ...

  6. Theodore Roosevelt. 33. Guvernér New Yorku. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. (* 27. október 1858, New York, New York, USA - † 6. január 1919, Oyster Bay, New York, USA) bol 26. prezident USA. Preslávil sa svojou energickou povahou. Do úradu nastúpil vo svojich 42 rokoch potom čo bol zavraždený prezident William McKinley.

  7. La USS Theodore Roosevelt, soprannominata the Big Stick [2] o TR, è la quarta portaerei appartenente alla classe Nimitz, in forze alla United States Navy. Entrata in servizio nell'ottobre 1986, prende il nome dal 26º presidente degli Stati Uniti d'America, Theodore Roosevelt .

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