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  1. Thomas Overbury (Warwickshire, 1581 – Londra, 15 settembre 1613) è stato un poeta e saggista inglese, che fu ucciso per essersi opposto al matrimonio dell'amico Robert Carr con Frances Howard.

  2. Sir Thomas Overbury (baptized 1581 – 14 September 1613) was an English poet and essayist, also known for being the victim of a murder which led to a scandalous trial.

  3. Sir Thomas Overbury (baptized June 18, 1581, Compton Scorpion, Warwickshire, England—died September 15, 1613, London) was an English poet and essayist, victim of an infamous intrigue at the court of James I.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  4. Cortigiano e poeta, nato a Crompton-Scorpion (Warwickshire) il 18 giugno 1581, morto a Londra il 15 settembre 1613. Fu educato nel Queen's College a Oxford.

  5. Cortigiano e poeta inglese (Compton-Scorpion, Warwickshire, 1581 - Londra 1613). Consigliere di Robert Carr, visconte di Rochester, per essersi opposto alle sue nozze con Frances Howard, contessa di Essex, fu imprigionato nella Torre di Londra (1613), dove la Howard lo fece morire di lento veleno.

  6. › introductions › OverburySirThomasCELM: Sir Thomas Overbury

    The courtier Sir Thomas Overbury is best remembered for the circumstances of his death in 1613, one of the greatest scandals of the Jacobean period, for which the King's erstwhile favourite Robert Carr, Earl of Somerset, and his wife Frances Howard stood trial for murder in 1615, although only their supposed accomplices were subsequently executed.

  7. The courtier and poet Sir Thomas Overbury died in September 1613, a prisoner in the Tower of London. His death was widely noted but little lamented at the time (see Section F), and was typically attributed to natural causes, though opinion as to the exact cause varied.