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  1. Timbaland & Magoo were an American hip hop duo composed of producer/rapper Timothy "Timbaland" Mosley (born March 10, 1972) and rapper Melvin "Magoo" Barcliff (July 12, 1973 – August 13, 2023), [1] [2] formed in 1989 . [3]

  2. Timbaland & Magoo erano un duo hip hop statunitense formatosi nel 1989 in Virginia e costituito dal produttore discografico e rapper Timothy "Timbaland" Mosley e dal rapper Melvin "Magoo" Barcliff. Il duo ha esordito ufficialmente nel 1997 con l'album Welcome to Our World, da cui è stato estratto il singolo Up Jumps da Boogie (feat.

  3. 14 ago 2023 · Il mondo della musica dice addio a Magoo, rapper del duo Timbaland & Magoo. L’artista, all’anagrafe Melvin Barcliff, aveva 50 anni. Le cause del decesso non sono state rese note.

  4. 15 ago 2023 · Il mondo della musica rap dice addio a Magoo, rapper del duo Timbaland & Magoo. L’artista, all’anagrafe Melvin Barcliff, aveva 50 anni. Le cause del decesso non sono ancora state rese note.

  5. 14 ago 2023 · Magoo, a rapper who was a foundational member of a groundbreaking hip-hop scene that emerged in Virginia in the 1990s, collaborating with up-and-coming stars like Timbaland, Missy Elliott and...

    • Amanda Holpuch
  6. 14 ago 2023 · Virginia hip-hop icon Magoo, a rapper best known for his duo act with Timbaland and collaboration with Missy Elliott and Aaliyah, has reportedly died. Fellow rapper Digital Black was first to...

  7. 14 ago 2023 · Magoo, the Virginia rapper best known for his work in the late-Nineties and early-2000s with longtime friend/super-producer Timbaland, has died. He was 50. The Office for the Chief Medical...