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  1. Founded in 1965, the Tisch School of the Arts is one of the nation's leading centers for professional training and scholarship and research in the performing and media arts.

    • About

      Tisch School of the Arts is a place to thrive and feel that...

    • Admissions

      Admission to the Tisch School of the Arts is a highly...

    • Diversity & Inclusion

      Diversity & Inclusion - NYU Tisch School of the Arts

    • News Events

      News Events - NYU Tisch School of the Arts

  2. The New York University Tisch School of the Arts (commonly referred to as Tisch) is the performing, cinematic, and media arts school of New York University. Founded on August 17, 1965, Tisch is a training ground for artists, scholars of the arts, and filmmakers.

  3. Named for a generous gift from Laurence A. and Preston Robert Tisch in 1982, Tisch School of the Arts has emerged over the last 50 years as the country’s preeminent center for the study of the performing, cinematic and emerging media arts. Explore Our History.

    • Tisch School of the Arts1
    • Tisch School of the Arts2
    • Tisch School of the Arts3
    • Tisch School of the Arts4
    • Tisch School of the Arts5
  4. Admission to the Tisch School of the Arts is a highly selective process. Applicants are held to rigorous academic and artistic standards, and evaluated through a two-part admissions process, which includes submitting both the Common Application and an artistic review.

  5. For over 50 years, the Tisch School of the Arts has drawn on the vast resources of New York University and New York City to create an extraordinary training ground for artists and scholars.

  6. › academics › meet-nyu-tischMeet NYU Tisch - MEET NYU

    21 ott 2022 · NYU Tisch School of the Arts is globally renowned for preparing students for fulfilling careers in the arts, from drama to emerging media.

  7. 14 dic 2021 · For over 50 years, the NYU Tisch School of the Arts has drawn on the vast artistic and cultural resources of New York City and New York University to create an extraordinary training ground for artists, scholars, and innovators.