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  1. Graduate School of Education. The United Graduate School of Education (Doctoral Program) International Student. International Agreements. Contact Us. Access. Campus Map. RelatedSites. 4-1-1 Nukuikita-machi, Koganei-shi, Tokyo 184-8501 Japan.

    • About GISEC

      Tokyo Gakugei University (TGU) currently has academic and...

  2. Tokyo Gakugei University (東京学芸大学, Tōkyō gakugei daigaku) is a national university in Koganei, Tokyo. Founded in 1873, it was chartered as a university in 1949. It is also known as Gakudai (学大) and TGU, for short.

  3. 2024ミニオープンキャンパスの開催について. 2024.09.06. 佐藤善人教授が能登半島地震の被災地で復興支援の取り組み。. 小学校において運….

    • Research Students
    • Mext Research Students
    • Mext Teacher Training Program Students
    • Mext Japanese Studies Students
    • Non-Matriculated Students
    • Exchange Students 交換留学生

    These are students who conduct research on a specific topic under the guidance of an academic advisor. Their term of enrollment is usually six months or one year. They are not awarded any special degrees or certifications. 1. How to Apply

    文部科学省大学推薦研究留学生の募集要項及び申請書類の指定様式等は,下のリンクからダウンロードしてご確認ください。 Please download the application guideline and designated forms for Japanese Government Scholarship for Research Students from below links. 本学協定校の推薦を受け,協定校担当者から提出される申請書のみ受け付けます。各大学からの推薦可能数は1名です。 提出期限:2024年1月19日 Applications with a recommendation from our partner universities and submitted from...

    MEXT Teacher Training Program Course Guide 1. 大学紹介(日本語) 2. University overview (English) 3. 教員リスト(日本語) 4. List(English)

    文部科学省大学推薦日本語・日本文化研修留学生の募集要項及び申請書類の指定様式等は,下のリンクからダウンロードしてご確認ください。 Please download the application guideline and designated forms for Japanese Government Scholarship for Japanese Studies Students from below links. なお,この申請は日本語または日本文化に関する分野を専攻している学部生が対象です。本学協定校の推薦を受け,協定校担当者から提出される申請書のみ受け付けます。 提出期限:2024年3月15日(金)(必着) This program is for undergraduate (Ba...

    Non-TGU students who take one or more classes at TGU are referred to as non-matriculated students. Non-matriculated students who pass a test for a subject covered by the course they are taking will earn the prescribed credits for that course.

    Exchange students are international students from TGU's partner universities with which TGU has students exchange agreement. They take classes for one semester to one year at TGU and a transcript will be issued for the courses taken. 1. Autumn 2024 Application Form for General Program*Required documents are indicated on the first page of this form. ...

  4. 東京学芸大学とうきょうがくげいだいがく英語: Tokyo Gakugei University )は、東京都 小金井市 貫井北町四丁目1番1号に本部を置く日本の国立大学。 1873年 創立、 1949年 大学設置。

  5. Study Abroad at TGU. Tokyo Gakugei University (TGU) was established in May 1949, integrating four normal schools operating in Tokyo at that time. The predecessors to these normal schools were the Tokyo School of Training Elementary School Teachers, established in 1873, the Tokyo Women’s Normal School, established in 1900, and others.

  6. Tokyo Gakugei University (TGU) currently has academic and student exchange agreements with about 60 universities overseas, and about 300 international students are studying at our campus.