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  1. 12 apr 2024 · Kiderült, hogy Kamilla királyné fia, Tom Parker Bowles új könyvet ad ki a királyi konyhák titkairól – egy szakértő szerint ez egyértelmű üzenet mostohatestvérének, Harry hercegnek. Egy szakértő véleménye szerint egyértelmű és sokatmondó üzenetet küldött Kamilla királyné fia Harry hercegnek, azzal, hogy bejelentette ...

  2. 11 apr 2024 · Dal 1973 al 1995 è stata infatti legata al tenente Andrew Parker Bowles e dalla loro unione sono nati due figli ovvero Thomas e Laura Parker Bowles. Il primo nato nel 1974 e la seconda nel 1978. Thomas in particolare ha sempre considerato l’attuale Re Carlo III come un secondo padre dato che gli ha fatto da padrino al battesimo.

  3. 8 apr 2024 · Queen Camilla's son, Tom Parker Bowles, recently had a hilarious experience at a Krispy Kreme drive-thru in London.The British food writer and critic, known for his reviews of Michelin-starred ...

  4. 11 apr 2024 · Tom Parker Bowles pracuje właśnie nad książką poświęconą królewskim przepisom. Phil Dampier przekonuje jednak, że choć syn królowej Kamili "posiada wiele wewnętrznych informacji, za ...

  5. 3 giorni fa · Tom Parker Bowles, classe 1974, è il primogenito della regina Camilla.La sovrana lo ha avuto dall’ex marito, l’ufficiale dell’esercito britannico Andrew Parker Bowles, con il quale è stata ...

  6. 8 apr 2024 · Queen Camilla's son, Tom Parker Bowles, recently had a hilarious experience at a Krispy Kreme drive-thru in London.The British food writer and critic, known for his reviews of Michelin-starred ...

  7. 11 apr 2024 · QUEEN Camilla’s son Tom Parker Bowles is bringing out a new book and it sends a message to Prince Harry after his damning Spare memoir, according to an expert. Food critic Tom’s book will feature over 100 recipes, from state banquets to breakfasts and behind-the-scenes facts about life in the royal kitchens.