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Shinjurou Yuuki, "l'ultimo Grande Detective" in una Tokyo post-bellica, è considerato dall'opinione pubblica non più di un detective fallito per il suo lavor...
- (28)
Un-Go is set in a dystopian future Japan. After an unnamed war and multiple terrorist attacks finally reach the mainland, the Japanese government decides to revoke Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution and mobilizes their self-defense forces in retaliation.
Italiano. Guarda in streaming l'anime UN-GO su Crunchyroll. "UN-GO" is a full-fledged detective story about a detective and handsome boy combo who tackle the world's most difficult crimes...
- (633)
14 ott 2011 · In a dystopian future, detective Shinjuurou Yuuki—known by some as the "Defeated Detective"—solves mysteries throughout Tokyo. Aided by his odd associate Inga, Shinjuurou's insight and ingenuity in cracking cases, particularly homicides, lead to numerous mysteries solved and culprits caught.
- (59,2K)
14 mar 2021 · Un-Go Official Trailer. Some call him the 'Last Great Detective'. Others call him the 'Defeated Detective'. What's certain is that he's Shinjurou Yuuki, a young man with a passion for mysteries...
- 2 min
- 23,2K
- Sentai
AnimeClick.it è un sito amatoriale gestito dall'associazione culturale NO PROFIT Associazione NewType Media.L'Associazione NewType Media, così come il sito AnimeClick.it da essa gestito, non perseguono alcun fine di lucro, e ai sensi del L.n. 383/2000 tutti i proventi delle attività svolte sono destinati allo svolgimento delle attività istituzionali statutariamente previste, ed in nessun ...
Un-Go: With Adam Gibbs, Emily Neves, Kris Carr, Justin Doran. In a post-war Japan, an experienced detective takes on cases with the help of his supernatural assistant.