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  1. Inclusi i risultati per

    University Johns Hopkins

Risultati di ricerca

  1. Johns Hopkins, founded in 1876, is America's first research university and home to nine world-class academic divisions working together as one university

    • Research & Faculty

      We are America’s first research university, founded on the...

    • COVID-19 Map

      Johns Hopkins experts in global public health, infectious...

    • Programs

      Johns Hopkins University faculty and students study, teach,...

    • Schools & Divisions

      Johns Hopkins University enrolls more than 24,000 full-time...

  2. L'Università Johns Hopkins (in inglese: Johns Hopkins University) è un'università statunitense che ha sede presso la città di Baltimora, nel Maryland.

  3. The Johns Hopkins University [a] (often abbreviated as Johns Hopkins, Hopkins, or JHU) is a private research university in Baltimore, Maryland, United States. Founded in 1876, Johns Hopkins was the first American university based on the European research institution model. [8]

  4. 18 set 2023 · La Johns Hopkins University è una delle università più prestigiose al mondo: ecco come entrare e quanto costa la retta.

  5. More than 60 full-time and part-time graduate programs spanning the arts, humanities, and natural and social sciences. Also see: Part-time graduate options via Advanced Academic Programs.

    • Università Johns Hopkins1
    • Università Johns Hopkins2
    • Università Johns Hopkins3
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    • Università Johns Hopkins5
  6. Johns Hopkins is America’s first research university, founded on the belief that teaching and research are interdependent, and that a modern university must do both well. Today, we remain a world leader in both teaching and research, with more than 21,000 undergraduate and graduate students studying with esteemed faculty members across nine ...

  7. JOHNS HOPKINS, Università Enciclopedia Italiana (1933) Ha sede a Baltimora (precisamente nella località di Homewood) e porta il nome del suo fondatore, un commerciante di Baltimora, che l'aveva istituita ufficialmente nel 1867 e alla sua morte (23 dicembre 1873) lasciò 7 milioni di dollari per l'università e un ospedale che la completasse.