Risultati di ricerca
Founded in 1386, Ruperto Carola is the oldest university in today's Germany and one of Europe’s leading research institutions. Its success across all funding rounds of the Excellence Competition and international rankings underscore its leadership role and excellent reputation in the academic, scientific and research landscape.
- Research Profile
The molecular life sciences in Heidelberg represent a...
- All Degree Programmes
With a spectrum of more than 180 degree programmes, the...
- Facts & Figures
940.6 m. € Total funding 562.9 m. € State grants 352.1 m. €...
- Deadlines & Dates
Key Dates & Deadlines - Heidelberg University
- Study
Studying in Heidelberg. The University believes the training...
- University
SEMPER APERTUS (Always open) has been Ruperto Carola's motto...
- International
International Affairs - Heidelberg University
- Heidelberg Profiles
Those who studied in Heidelberg include Reformer Philipp...
- Research Profile
L' Università Ruprecht Karl di Heidelberg (o Università di Heidelberg) è un' università pubblica che si trova a Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germania. Fondata nel 1386 dal conte palatino del Reno Roberto I di Wittelsbach, è la più antica università tedesca.
SEMPER APERTUS (Always open) has been Ruperto Carola's motto since its founding in 1386. Numerous great minds have studied, researched and taught here. Reflecting this spirit of openness, Germany's oldest university has significantly shaped knowledge and society since 1386.
Heidelberg University, officially the Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg (German: Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg; Latin: Universitas Ruperto Carola Heidelbergensis), is a public research university in Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
Studying in Heidelberg. The University believes the training of its students and young researchers from the Bachelor phase onward is equally as important as its academic and social responsibilities. On the basis of the accredited quality management system heiQUALITY, the Ruperto Carola's working continuously on the development of its study ...
7 mag 2024 · L’Università di Heidelberg “Ruperto Carola” è la più antica università in Germania. L’Ateneo presenta un’ampia offerta didattica e di ricerca, e con la sua ricca tradizione, promuove un orientamento interdisciplinare.
Die Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg (lateinisch Ruperto Carola) ist eine Universität des Landes Baden-Württemberg in Heidelberg. Sie ist eine der ältesten europäischen Universitäten und die älteste Universität mit durchgehendem Lehrbetrieb in Deutschland.