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  1. With just over 4,500 undergraduates, Rochester is one of the smallest and most collegiate in character among the nation's top research universities.

  2. L'università è una dei 62 membri della prestigiosa Association of American Universities (associazione delle università americane). Fondata nel 1850 durante la breve presidenza di Zachary Taylor, offre programmi di laurea, bachelor, master e livelli di dottorato in svariate discipline.

  3. 15 giu 2024 · Tutte le 7 Università in Rochester | Classifiche e recensioni 2024. Per gli studi aziendali vedere la nostra classifica separata di scuole di business in Rochester, Stati Uniti. Ultimi aggiornamenti della classifica relativi alle università inRochester.

  4. One of the world’s leading research universities, Rochester has a long tradition of breaking boundaries—always pushing and questioning, learning and unlearning. We transform ideas into enterprises that create value and make the world ever better.

  5. The University of Rochester is a private research university in Rochester, New York, United States. [9] It was founded in 1850 and moved into its current campus, next to the Genesee River in 1955. With approximately 30,000 full-time employees, the university is the largest private employer in Upstate New York and the 7th largest in ...

  6. Below, you will find details about the University of Rochester admissions process. This includes how to apply to each of our schools, tuition and financial aid information, and advice on the college application process.

  7. L'Università di Rochester è un istituto privato di ricerca e di educazione superiore nello stato di New York. Fondata nel 1850, la U of R ha sede nella città di Rochester e dintorni.