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  1. 15 ott 2021 · University of Technology Sydney (UTS) adalah universitas negeri yang berlokasi di Sydney, Australia. Universitas ini berada di peringkat Top 50 QS World University Subject Rankings 2021. UTS mengambil pendekatan langsung untuk belajar: proyek besar, kerja kelompok, dan studi kasus kehidupan nyata.

  2. The New South Wales Institute of Technology was established in 1964. The School of Design of the former Sydney College of the Arts was incorporated into the Institute on 25 January 1988. On 1 January 1990, the Institute of Technical and Adult Teacher Education and the Kuring-gai College of Advanced Education were amalgamated with the existing ...

  3. Study at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), a vibrant and innovative Australian university located in the heart of Sydney – one of the world’s great cities. Discover your study options, scholarships available or have your questions answered.

  4. 10 Jurusan di University of Technology Sydney. Gelar University of Technology Sydney memiliki fokus khusus pada pembelajaran berorientasi praktik, pengajaran berkualitas, dan penelitian berdampak tinggi. Kampus selalu memastikan siswa lulus dengan pengalaman langsung sebanyak mungkin sehingga membuat lulusan menarik bagi pemberi kerja.

  5. La University of Technology Sydney (UTS) è un’università australiana situata nel distretto commerciale nel centro della città di Sydney. Le sue origini risalgono alla fondazione del Sydney Technical College nel 1893, mentre l’acquisizione del nome attuale e dello status di università è avvenuta nel 1988. Il campus della città è a ...

  6. The UTS Master of Clinical Psychology provides students with a practice-based and research-led education in clinical psychology, encompassing on-campus and online learning, on-campus and off-campus clinical placement, and research. The course is delivered in custom-built, state-of-the-art facilities including the on-campus 100 Broadway Clinic.

  7. 29 apr 2023 · Without further ado, begini Syarat & Cara Daftar Kuliah di kampus University of Technology Sydney untuk tahun ajaran 2023. BACA JUGA: KULIAH DI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA . World-Class Rankings. Ketika kamu kuliah di UTS, kamu akan bergabung dengan komunitas student yang ambisius, staf dan industri yang memiliki tujuan masa depan.