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  1. War Child bietet Kindern auf der ganzen Welt Zugang zu sicheren Räumen, zu Bildung und zu Angeboten, die ihre mentale Gesundheit stärken. 468 Millionen Kinder weltweit wachsen inmitten bewaffneter Konflikte auf. Diese Atmosphäre der Gewalt hat viele direkte negative Auswirkungen auf ihre psychische Gesundheit. Das äußert sich zum Beispiel ...

  2. War Child USA was founded by Dr. Samantha Nutt, a medical doctor, best-selling author and award-winning humanitarian. Samantha is a leading authority on women and children in war zones across the globe. She brings critical, evidence-based thinking to humanitarian action—empowering each local community to lead their own recovery.

  3. Två år senare fruktar hon fortfarande ljudet av sirener men har hittat sätt att komma udan kriget i verkligheten och i sinnet. Läs hennes berättelse. Just nu växer över 200 miljoner barn upp i krig. De upplever fruktansvärda saker. Ge en gåva idag för att stötta dessa barn i att bearbeta sina upplevelser.

  4. Met iedereen die wil helpen om kinderen weer vertrouwen te geven in hun toekomst. En dat is hard nodig, want op dit moment groeien er miljoenen kinderen op in een conflictgebied. Als actievoerder voor War Child steun jij onze missie. Met muziek, sport en spel helpen wij kinderen in oorlog hun angst, stress en verdriet een plek te geven.

  5. If you have any questions about the ways you can give, you can contact us by phoning us on +44 (0)20 7112 2555 or by sending an email to If you'd like to donate by post, you can make a cheque payable to War Child and send it to: War Child UK, Dunn’s Hat Factory (4th Floor), 106-110 Kentish Town Road, London, NW1 9PX ...

  6. To cancel your contribution for children in war-affected areas, you can notify us via +3120 758 2299 between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM. We will ensure that your request is carefully processed by our administration. What does War Child do with complaints? Our Complaints Policy is available to download. Can I donate clothes, food or toys to War Child?

  7. Four decades of violent conflict inside the country show no sign of ending. Increasing violence in Afghanistan has now led to almost 400,000 people fleeing their homes in search of safety. Desperate families with nowhere to go are building make-shift shelters, with little access to even the most basic supplies, like food and hygiene facilities.