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  1. 2 giorni fa · Following the third note of 24 October, which emphasised the danger to international peace inherent in the power of the "King of Prussia" and the "military authorities of the Empire", General Ludendorff resigned and was replaced as First General Quartermaster by General Wilhelm Groener.

    • Germany
  2. 6 mag 2024 · SPD leader Friedrich Ebert allied with General Wilhelm Groener (1867–1939) of the Supreme Army Command to ensure the transition from constitutional monarchy to republic. As part of the...

  3. 2 giorni fa · Then General Groener told him the arm would not fight to preserve him as Kaiser, so he suggested he would abdicate as Kaiser of the German Empire but would retain Kingship of Prussia. The next thing he knew, Prince Max of Baden – the Chancellor – announced to the country that Kaiser Wilhelm II had abdicated.

  4. 2 giorni fa · Von Rundstedt's Corps disintegrated in the wake of defeat and the German Revolution, but while most officers were demobilised, he remained in the Army, apparently at the request of General Wilhelm Groener, who assumed leadership of the shattered Army.

  5. 2 giorni fa · To ensure that the fledgling government maintained control over the country, Ebert and General Wilhelm Groener, Ludendorff's successor as leader of the Supreme Army Command (OHL), concluded the secret EbertGroener pact on 10 November.

  6. 25 mag 2024 · 1867-1919. Social revolutionary under the czars. Co-founder of the KPD. Murdered while in police custody in March 1919. Leo Jogiches was from Lithuania and championed a social revolution early on. He fled to Switzerland when the czar’s secret police started chasing him down. During World War I, he lived underground and during the November ...

  7. 17 mag 2024 · Wilhelm Groener, el general en jefe de su Cuartel General que había sustituido a Ludendorff, le informó que el Kaiserliches Heer se retiraría bajo las órdenes del mariscal Hindenburg, pero que no lucharía para que Su Majestad el emperador se mantuviera en el trono.