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1 giorno fa · Africa is the world's second-largest and second-most populous continent after Asia. At about 30.3 million km 2 (11.7 million square miles) including adjacent islands, it covers 20% of Earth's land area and 6% of its total surface area. [7] With nearly 1.4 billion people as of 2021, it accounts for about 18% of the world's human ...
- History
Africa was home to many kingdoms and empires in all regions...
- History
1 giorno fa · Africa was home to many kingdoms and empires in all regions of the continent, with historical change commonplace.
2 giorni fa · Africa, the second largest continent (after Asia), covering about one-fifth of the total land surface of Earth. The continent is bounded on the west by the Atlantic Ocean, on the north by the Mediterranean Sea, on the east by the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, and on the south by the mingling waters of the Atlantic and Indian oceans.
1 giorno fa · La maggior parte dell'Etiopia è localizzata nel Corno d'Africa, la zona più orientale del continente africano. All'interno dell'Etiopia si trova un vasto complesso di montagne e scoscesi altopiani divisi dalla Rift Valley , che attraversa il paese da sud-ovest a nord-est ed è circondata da bassopiani , steppe e zone semidesertiche .
3 giorni fa · Il Marocco è un Paese dell'Africa settentrionale che confina con l'Algeria a est, con il Sahara Occidentale a Sud-Ovest e si affaccia a Nord al Mar Mediterraneo, a Ovest all'Oceano Atlantico. Si estende su una superficie di 458745 km².
3 giorni fa · The decolonisation of Africa was a series of political developments in Africa that spanned from the mid-1950s to 1975, during the Cold War. Colonial governments gave way to sovereign states in a process often marred by violence, political turmoil, widespread unrest, and organised revolts.
1 giorno fa · As current estimates on the male most recent common ancestor ("Y-chromosomal Adam" or Y-MRCA) converge with estimates for the age of anatomically modern humans, and well predate the Out of Africa migration, geographical origin hypotheses continue to be limited to the African continent.