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  1. t. e. Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna of Russia (born Princess Elisabeth of Hesse and by Rhine; 1 November 1864 – 18 July 1918) was a German Hessian and Rhenish princess of the House of Hesse-Darmstadt, and the wife of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich of Russia, the fifth son of Emperor Alexander II of Russia and Princess Marie ...

  2. Elizaveta Fëdorovna è stata una nobile e religiosa tedesca. Moglie del granduca Sergej Aleksandrovič Romanov, il quinto figlio dello zar Alessandro II di Russia e di Maria Aleksandrovna, Elizaveta era anche sorella maggiore di Aleksandra Fëdorovna, l'ultima imperatrice di Russia.

  3. 14 ago 2020 · Sorella dell’ultima imperatrice russa, fu una donna devota e caritatevole, nonostante le disgrazie. Dopo l’assassinio del marito, morì trucidata dai bolscevichi. Oggi, in tutto il paese, chiese e...

  4. Biografia. Figlia del nobile Fëdor Ermolaev, colonnello dell'esercito, studiò nel ginnasio di Archangel'sk e nel 1874 visse a Mosca insieme con Efruzina Supinskaja, Larisa Zarudneva, Julija ed Elena Prušakevič, facendo parte di un gruppo di čajkovcy che trascrivevano libri illegali stampati poi nella tipografia clandestina di Ippolit Myškin.

  5. 17 lug 2018 · Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna in her nun’s habit; Photo Credit – Wikipedia. The second of the seven children of Ludwig IV, Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine and Princess Alice of the United Kingdom, and a granddaughter of Queen Victoria, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna was born Princess Elisabeth of Hesse and by Rhine.

  6. 1 nov 2018 · Sergei was assassinated in Moscow on 17 [4 O.S] February 1905 after a nitroglycerin bomb was thrown in his lap by a member of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party’s Combat detachment. After Sergei’s passing, Elizabeth Feodorovna became a nun and founded the convent of Martha and Mary in the Russian Orthodox Church.

  7. 22 nov 2022 · Jun 22, 2020. 10 min read. Women who Built Jerusalem: Elizaveta Feodorovna. Updated: Nov 22, 2022. Princess Elizabeth of Hesse-Darmstadt and by Rhine, or by her familiar name, Ella, was one of Europe's most glamorous princesses. She had countless suitors among the bachelor princes of all royal houses.