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  1. 4 giorni fa · Of course, Lansdale has written numerous other short stories, novels, and screenplays over the course of a long, productive career. His penchant for hard-boiled dialogue, twisty plotting, and Western iconography has led to fine adaptations, like the streaming series Hap & Leonard and the underrated Jim Mickle film Cold in July.

  2. 2 giorni fa · Hap en Leonard is een verhaal van twee beste vrienden, een femme fatale, verknipte revolutionairen, psycho-moordenaars, verloren buit en heisa.

    • (8,4K)
  3. 4 giorni fa · Author Joe R. Lansdale is also the writer of the popular Hap and Leonard novels, which were adapted into a TV series starring James Purefoy and Michael K. Williams. Peter Dinklage, who plays Reginald Jones, is also a producer on The Thicket.

  4. 4 giorni fa · Joe R. Lansdale: I normally do on the TV series [based on the novels in the Hap Collins and Leonard Pines mysteries series] and other films of mine that have been made.But I didn’t for this one ...

  5. 2 giorni fa · Con questo romanzo irrompono sulla scena Hap & Leonard, la strana coppia di detective protagonisti della fortunata serie creata da Joe Lansdale. Hap ha rinunciato da tempo a salvare il mondo: la sua unica preoccupazione è vivere tranquillo, tra chiacchiere oziose e interminabili bevute con l'inseparabile Leonard.

  6. 2 giorni fa · Netflix is home to some of the best spy shows on streaming: series like The Night Agent prove the platform is a cut above the rest.

  7. 5 giorni fa · Find out how and where to watch "Big History" online on Netflix, Prime Video, and Disney+ today – including 4K and free options.

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