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  1. 1.20.1, 1.19.4, 1.18.2, 1.17.1, 1.16.5. John Smith Legacy es un impresionante paquete de texturas que te transportará a la era medieval en Minecraft. Cuenta con gran detalle, manteniendo la esencia del juego pero con ese estilo tan característico. Con estas texturas tu mundo obtiene un aspecto renovado, pero sin descuidar los orígenes del ...

  2. Official Post from JimStoneCraft

  3. Hello and Welcome, here you'll find the John Smith Legacy Resource Pack and my own modified version JSC 'JimStoneCraft Edition' both packs are for Vanilla Minecraft, JimStoneCraft Edition is a branch of the standard pack and it's the pack I personally play the game with. I don't like adverts, banners, popup and other tricks to get you to click on stuff, these sort of things will never be on ...

  4. 21 ago 2019 · JohnSmith Legacy est un pack qu’on ne saurait vraiment classer. Il est à la fois fidèle à la texture de minecraft par défaut, tout en augmentant sa définition (le pack est en x32) et son réalisme, et à la fois un de ces Packs que l’on pourrait ranger dans la famille des Resource Packs RPG, dans la mesure où il sera du plus bel effet avec vos constructions de style médiéval.

  5. 28 gen 2022 · コンセプトは「中世の雰囲気」。最新版(1.18,1.19,1.20)で使える「John Smith Legacy」のアドオン(addon)・リソースパック(ResourcePack)の概要と導入方法の紹介. マインクラフト; 3457view

  6. 18 giu 2017 · John Smith Legacy-Modded | 리소스팩 소개 . 중세풍 느낌이 강한 멋진 리소스팩 입니다. 하지만 1.9~1.9.4 밖에 지원을 안한다네요.. | 리소스팩 적용법 . 리소스팩이 지원하면서 선택하신 마인크래프트 버전을 한번 켜주셨다가 꺼주세요.

  7. John Smith Legacy (JSL) is the more traditional rough style and is trying to keep the look and feel of the original author JohnSmith. JimStoneCraft Edition (JSC) uses the smooth cobblestone, smooth ores, smoother looking sandstone and lots of other personal tweaks to quite a few of the textures and is the pack I personally play the game with.