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  1. 3 giorni fa · King Arthur: Legion IX - Riproduzione in diretta streaming. Scopri con noi com'è tornare dagli inferi (e dai morti) per conoscere parte della storia della terra che governavi e di come alcuni deboli stiano cercando di toglierti il potere su di essa... Pubblicato il 2024-05-10 19:17. Livestream replays.

  2. 4 giorni fa · Watch the King Arthur: Legion IX - Official Release Date Reveal Trailer Apr 4, 2024 - Enter the mythical land of Avalon with an all-new story and heroes. King Arthur: Legion IX

  3. 6 giorni fa · In this video I provide a full review of Legion IX.Discord Server: a Member:

  4. 5 giorni fa · King Arthur: Legion IX is coming to Steam on May 9th, 2024! A new threat looms over Avalon as the long-lost, infamous Ninth Legion of Rome has set foot on the mythical island.

  5. 6 giorni fa · In terms of narrative, King Arthur: Legion IX isn’t going to win any awards for its writing. However, as mentioned above, its unique setting, interesting world-building, and well-executed atmosphere do a lot to carry the story. That’s fairly hard work, because the game’s dialog and voice acting are doing their best to ruin the tone.

  6. 6 giorni fa · La meilleure façon de décrire King Arthur: Legion IX est de dire que c'est juste plus de Knight's Tale, parce qu'il n'y a pas assez d'éléments vraiment uniques et frais pour que ce jeu se démarque de son prédécesseur. Ce n'est pas vraiment une mauvaise chose, car Knight's Tale est un jeu de stratégie très compétent, mais on ne peut s ...

  7. 4 giorni fa · Descrizione King Arthur: Legion IX è un gioco di ruolo tattico a turni incentrato sui personaggi nell'universo di King Arthur: Knight's Tale, una versione dark fantasy del mito arturiano.