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  1. 莱斯特•比•皮尔逊Lester B.Pearson School Board是魁北克省最大的英语公立教育局。 教育局以加拿大1963-1968年的总理、1957年诺贝尔和平奖的获得者莱斯特•比尔斯•皮尔逊的名字命名。

  2. レスター・b・ピアソン教育区では、高校留学プログラムのほかに留学生向けのキャリアプログラムも実施しています。ieltsのスコアが5.0以上であれば受講する事ができます。 詳細ページ(英語) レスター・b・ピアソン教育区の留学費用 2024-2025

  3. School Information 08/10/2021. Read More. Services & Community 08/10/2021. Read More. COVID19 Advisory Reporting 21/09/2021 Lester B. Pearson School will post information on this webpage if there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 that involves a student or a staff member in our school. Read More. News 07/09/2021

  4. The Lester B. Pearson School Board’s Head Office was buzzing recently, as over 100 students from the board’s 10 high schools convened for the much-anticipated Teen Summit. Cultivating Mental Health: Practices for Well-Being

  5. Lester B. Pearson School Board (LBPSB) is one of the largest and most successful English school boards in Quebec. LBPSB covers vast territory spanning Montreal’s West Island, extending to off-island and South-West regions, encompassing the richness of the city’s landscapes and the diversity of its people.

  6. The Lester B. Pearson School Board (LBPSB) is one of the largest, and most successful, English school boards in the province of Quebec. With a robust network of 36 elementary schools, 10 high schools, 6 vocational centres and 2 adult education centres, the LBPSB has built a reputation of providing innovative, quality education to all students, at all levels.

  7. Lester B. Pearson School Board acknowledges that our schools and centres are located on the unceded ancestral territory of the Kanien’kehá:ka (Mohawk) People of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, that was established when the Peacemaker arrived in this region, centuries ago, to share his message of peace.