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  1. Malaclemys terrapin이 있는 더 많은 목록. 에 대한 기본 정보: 수명, 분포 및 서식지 지도, 라이프스타일 및 사회적 행동, 짝짓기 습관, 식단 및 영양, 인구 규모 및 상태.

  2. Gattung: Geoclemys. Art: Malaclemys terrapin (Diamantschildkröte) Verbreitung: USA (Südosten) Lebensraum: Süßwasser, Gewässer mit viel Vegetation. Maße und Gewicht: Länge bis zu 35 cm, Gewicht bis zu 2 kg. Fortpflanzung: Eiablage im Frühling, 8-12 Eier pro Gelege. Gefährdung: stark gefährdet, Habitatverlust durch Urbanisierung und ...

  3. The Diamondback Terrapin ( Malaclemys terrapin) was made the State reptile and official mascot of the University of Maryland College Park in 1994 (Chapter 476, Acts of 1994; Code General Provisions Article, sec. 7-309). As mascot (also known as Testudo ), the Terrapin, however, has been affiliated with the University's athletic program since 1933.

  4. L’espèce Malaclemys terrapin comprend 7 sous-espèces réparties sur la côte est et au sud des Etats Unis. Il me semble aussi important de préciser que les sous-espèces comportent d’énormes variances au niveau des couleurs et donc il est parfois excessivement dur voir impossible de déterminer la sous espèce de certains individus.

  5. Florida Rules. Diamondback terrapins may not be removed from the wild. Diamondback terrapins may not be possessed without a permit. No eggs may be taken from the wild or transported. Beginning in March 2023, all recreational blue crab traps will be required to have a rigid funnel opening no larger than 2 x 6 inches at the narrowest point, or a ...

  6. 300-500. g oz. Longitud. 13-19. cm inch. La tortuga espalda de diamante ( Malaclemys terrapin) es una especie de tortuga de la familia Emydidae, es la única especie del género Malaclemys. Es nativa de los pantanos salobres del este y sur de los Estados Unidos. La especie se denomina espalda de diamante por el patrón en la parte superior de ...

  7. Terrapin, (Malaclemys terrapin), a term formerly used to refer to any aquatic turtle but now restricted largely, though not exclusively, to the diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) of the turtle family Emydidae. Until the last third of the 20th century, the word terrapin was used commonly in