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  1. Memento database : si tratta di un’applicazione che consente di realizzare rapidamente database di vario tipo, tra cui inventari, elenchi, contatti, liste, collezioni, CRM e molto altro. Di base l’applicazione è gratuita, ma è possibile sbloccare alcune funzionalità avanzate soltanto previo acquisto in-app.

  2. Memento Database is a powerful and user-friendly tool designed for working with any data, making it possible to store, organize, calculate and visualize information. It is more convenient than spreadsheets, more flexible than specialized applications. If you are looking for a program to organize y…

  3. 28 ott 2023 · Once you launch Memento Database Desktop, you get access to all libraries created from your account and the ones shared with you. The Welcome page helps you choose where to start: New Library - create a new Library from scratch and adjust each and every field manually. Recent - manage libraries already created.

  4. Memento Database è una app flessibile e personalizzabile per la gestione di database in ambiente Android. È potenzialmente in grado di interagire con qualsiasi genere di dato ed archivio. Le voci sono memorizzabili secondo campi personalizzabili e si evidenzia la funzione di sincronizzazione con Google Sheets.

  5. 12 ago 2023 · Memento Wiki. The Memento Database Wiki was born very modestly in July, 2016, as mere links to the existing User Manual and FAQ. Initial development began in late July, with a main page fashioned from a marketing blurb. The page was then honed from that into a more proper main page. By the end of July, the main page and essential pages linked ...

  6. 1 feb 2024 · Memento supports offline work. You can transfer data in the offline mode and synchronize it with the cloud later, when your devices connects to the Internet. By default your databases are not connected to the cloud, and are stored only on your device. AI ASSISTANT Elevate data management with Memento Database's AI Assistant.

  7. Get to know the basics of Memento Database: core features, essential terms, pricing model and main components. Introduction 5 Articles. Libraries 5 Articles. Integrations 1 Article.