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  1. THE PEOPLE'S CHARTER. Below is the complete text of the People's Charter published by the London Working Men's Association. Its principal authors were William Lovett and Francis Place. The Charter was publicly launched at the Great Glasgow Demonstration on May 21st 1838, which Birmingham Chartist John Collins played a major part in bringing about.

  2. 1838 People's Charter. The 1832 Great Reform Act, which made wide-ranging changes to the electoral system, did little to increase the political rights of the working classes. In 1836, cabinet maker William Lovett formed the London Working Men's Association, which in 1838 published a People's Charter. Presented as a popular Magna Carta, its ...

  3. The People’s Charter, 1838. Many British working people were disappointed when the 1832 Reform Act failed to give them the vote. This disappointment turned to anger when the reformed House of Commons passed the Poor Law of 1834. In June 1836 William Lovett, Henry Hetherington, John Cleave and James Watson formed the London Working Men's ...

  4. Il nome cartismo è legato alla celebre “People’s Charter”, nota in italiano con il nome “Carta del Popolo”, la qua era stata presentata nell’anno 1838 presso la Camera dei Comuni ...

  5. 人民宪章是19世纪上半叶英国爆发的以争取普选权为中心的无产阶级政治运动的纲领性文件。1836年英国伦敦工人协会成立后,于次年拟定致国会的请愿书作为自己斗争的纲领。1838年5月8日以《人民宪章》命名公布。其主要内容包括:成年男子拥有普选权;秘密投票;废除议员候选人的财产资格限制 ...

  6. Dizionario di Storia (2010) cartismo. Movimento politico-sociale inglese, che prese nome dalla People’s charter, la carta programmatica compilata (1838) da W. Lovett, forse con la collaborazione di F. Place; vi si chiedevano il suffragio universale maschile, lo scrutinio segreto, il parlamento annuale, un’indennità ai deputati, collegi ...

  7. 2 mag 2022 · But in 1838, a defiant cry for political rights would reverberate from the factories and mills, the downtrodden neighbourhoods where the industrial underclass survived in squalor. That year, the London Working Men’s Association drafted The People’s Charter, a petition heard round the nation that augured a gathering storm of labour unrest.