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  1. The destroyed Pforzheim in 1946. During the latter stages of World War II, Pforzheim, a town in southwestern Germany, was bombed several times. The largest raid, one of the most devastating area bombardments of the war, was carried out by the Royal Air Force (RAF) on the evening of February 23, 1945.

  2. 23 feb 2015 · 22 minutes of hellfire. Between 7:50 and 8:12 p.m. local time on February 23, 1945, RAF aircraft dropped 1575 tons of high explosive and incendiary bombs on Pforzheim, setting off a firestorm...

  3. 10 mar 2021 · On the 24th February 1945, fire bombs rained down on the city of Pforzheim, a town in southwestern Germany and a gateway to the Black Forest, killing 20,277 people – one third of its population. It appeared that Pforzheim had no strategic value other than it was undefended.

    • pforzheim germany bombing1
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  4. › wiki › PforzheimPforzheim - Wikipedia

    The German Army Report of 24 February 1945 devoted only two lines to reporting the bombardment: "In the early evening hours of February 23, a forceful British attack was directed at Pforzheim." RAF Bomber Command later assessed the bombing raid as the one with "probably the greatest proportion (of destroyed built-up area) (of any ...

  5. Luftangriff auf Pforzheim am 23. Februar 1945. Der Luftangriff auf Pforzheim am 23. Februar 1945 forderte im Zweiten Weltkrieg nach den Angriffen auf Hamburg (1943) und Dresden (1945) die meisten Opfer im alliierten Luftkrieg gegen deutsche Städte.

  6. 22 ott 2003 · On February 16 1945, British bombers attacked the tiny town of Pforzheim, killing one-third of its 63,000 inhabitants. In the official British history of the air war, Pforzheim merits only a...

  7. 21 feb 2020 · Britische Bomber zerstörten vor 75 Jahren Pforzheim. Rund 18.000 Menschen starben, fast ein Drittel der Bevölkerung, als der tödliche Feuersturm durch das mittelalterliche Stadtzentrum fegte....