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  1. 1 giorno fa · In 2022, Sophie, who was then Countess of Wessex, visited Botswana and Malawi as part of her role as an ambassador for the IAPB. She travelled there to see the progress that has been made in helping people with eye-surgery and eye care.

  2. 1 giorno fa · Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh became patron of a women's health charity in 2021 dedicated to saving and changing the lives of women, and from the get-go she "meant business".

  3. 1 giorno fa · The Duchess of Edinburgh was six months pregnant with James, Earl of Wessex when she attended a London wedding in 2007 – see the radiant royal's bump-skimming dress.

  4. 5 giorni fa · Sophie, duchessa di Wessex, parlando a un evento sulla salute delle donne nel Regno Unito, ha espresso ad alta voce una grande verità: «Non avere più le mestruazioni dovrebbe essere visto...

  5. 5 giorni fa · Un oubli volontaire de la part de Sophie de Wessex. Certains observateurs se demandent si ce geste n’était pas une manière subtile pour Sophie de Wessex de signifier son désaccord ou son désaveu envers le prince Harry, notamment depuis son départ controversé de la famille royale en 2020.

  6. 4 giorni fa · CONFIDENTE STRETTA DELLA REGINA OSSessionata DA CORRIE In una rivelazione sorprendente, Maureen Lipman ha parlato dell’amore della regina Elisabetta II per la popolare soap opera ITV, Coronation Street. La sovrana, che ha segnato i suoi 60 anni di regno nel 2012, ha recentemente fatto visita alle iconiche strade acciottolate di Weatherfield, dove ha incontrato il […]

  7. 3 giorni fa · 10. Ms Sienna Mapelli Mozzi. Though two-year-old Sienna does not hold the title of princess, like her mother, her father’s noble heritage means Sienna is an Italian “Contessa” and “Nobile ...