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    relativo a: spartacus vendetta

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  1. 5 giorni fa · La troisième guerre servile : Spartacus délivre les gladiateurs et mène une guerre sanglante contre les armées romaines. En 73 av. J.-C., Spartacus réussit à s'échapper de l'école de gladiateurs de Lentulus Batiatus à Capoue. Il réussit à convaincre environ 70 à 100 autres gladiateurs. Comment ?

  2. 4 giorni fa · Spartacus is a 1960 American epic historical drama film directed by Stanley Kubrick and starring Kirk Douglas in the title role, a slave who leads a rebellion against Rome during the events of the Third Servile War.

  3. 21 ore fa · L’omicidio di Kennedy e la vendetta di Trumbo La morte di Kennedy nel 1963 gettò l’America in una spirale di disperazione, droga e follia. Film come Manchurian Candidate (1962) di Frankenheimer e 7 Days in May (1964) tentarono di far luce sulla presa di potere dello stato profondo in America, ma era troppo tardi.

  4. 4 giorni fa · Join us as we explore how Spartacus harnessed the power of guerrilla tactics from the heights of Mount Vesuvius, striking fear into the heart of Rome. Witnes...

  5. 5 giorni fa · In 73 B.C., Spartacus led an extraordinary revolt, breaking free with 70 gladiators armed with makeshift weapons. This uprising, known as the Third Servile W...

  6. › wiki › ThraciansThracians - Wikipedia

    1 giorno fa · Beginning in 73 BC, Spartacus, a Thracian warrior from the Maedi tribe who was enslaved as a gladiator by the Romans, led a revolt that posed a significant challenge to Roman authority, prompting a series of military campaigns against it.

  7. 1 giorno fa · In 73, a slave uprising started in southern Italy under Spartacus, a gladiator, who defeated the local Roman garrisons and four legions under the consuls of 72. [156] At the head of some 70,000 men, Spartacus led them in a Third Servile War —they sought freedom by escape from Italy—before being defeated by troops raised by M ...

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