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  1. This was their finest hour" was a speech delivered by Winston Churchill to the House of Commons of the United Kingdom on 18 June 1940, just over a month after he took over as Prime Minister at the head of an all-party coalition government.

  2. Churchill’s ‘Their Finest Hour’ Speech ©The Churchill Archive. The disastrous military events which have happened during the past fortnight have not come to me with any sense of surprise.

  3. 7 apr 2021 · Lo statista inglese Winston Churchill è ricordato dalla storia per la sua arte oratoria. Tra i suoi discorsi più celebri trova post quello – cosiddetto – dell’ ora migliore: This was their finest hour (in italiano: quella fu la loro ora migliore). Ripercorriamo qui il contesto storico in cui venne pronunciato.

  4. Read the full text of Winston Churchill's speech, Their Finest Hour, delivered in Parliament at Westminster on June 18, 1940

  5. Winston Churchill's Finest Hour speech, June 18, 1940, delivered at London, UK, to the House of Commons, full text transcript, audio HISTORY FOR THE RELAXED HISTORIAN PEOPLE IN HISTORY WARS, BATTLES AND REVOLUTIONS MAP ARCHIVE FAMOUS SPEECHES

  6. The day after France fell to the Germans, Churchill made perhaps his finest speech of this period – commonly known now by its most famous phrase, ‘This was their Finest Hour’ – which was delivered to the House of Commons on 18 June and broadcast by the BBC to the nation later that evening.

  7. 18 giu 2010 · A draft of Winston Churchill’s “Finest Hour” speech shows the way he edited it extensively before delivering it on June 18, 1940. Andrew Testa for The New York Times.