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  1. Gli Underworld sono un gruppo musicale britannico di musica elettronica fondato da Karl Hyde e Rick Smith attivo dalla fine degli anni settanta.

  2. Underworld are a British electronic music group formed in 1987 in Cardiff, Wales [1] and the principal collaborative project of Karl Hyde and Rick Smith. Prominent former members include Darren Emerson, from 1990 to 2000, and Darren Price, as part of the live band from 2005 to 2016.

  3. › artist › 1280-UnderworldUnderworld - Discogs

    Profile: UK electronic music act formed by Rick Smith and Karl Hyde in 1987 after their former band Freur disbanded. The first line-up released more song oriented funky guitar based pop over the course of two albums.

  4. › channel › UCahiOREGlmLx7vi-35NbdBgUnderworld - YouTube Music

    Underworld are a British electronic music group formed in 1987 in Cardiff, Wales and the principal collaborative project of Karl Hyde and Rick Smith. Prominent former members include Darren...

  5. 6 set 2024 · Underworld have shared details of their new album, ‘Strawberry Hotel’. Listen to the first single below. The British electronic outfit – comprised of Karl Hyde and Rick Smith – will release their eleventh studio album on 25th October via Virgin Music/Smith Hyde Productions.

  6. Underworld are a British electronic group, and principal name under which duo Karl Hyde and Rick Smith have recorded together since 1983, though they have also worked together under various names both before and after adopting the Underworld moniker.

  7. 16 ago 2024 · Find out when Underworld is next playing live near you. List of all Underworld tour dates, concerts, support acts, reviews and venue info.