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  1. Fanny Cornforth (born Sarah Cox; 3 January 1835 – 24 February 1909) was an English artist's model, and the mistress and muse of the Pre-Raphaelite painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Cornforth performed the duties of housekeeper for Rossetti.

  2. Fanny Cornforth (nata Sarah Cox; Steyning, 1835 – Londra, 1906) è stata domestica, amante, musa e modella del pittore preraffaellita Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Nei dipinti di Rossetti, Fanny Cornforth, appare come una rossa formosa, in contrasto con le figure eteree delle altre sue modelle Jane Morris , Alexa Wilding e Elizabeth Siddal .

  3. 6 mag 2022 · Fanny Cornforth was discovered by the Pre-Raphaelite artist Dante Gabriel Rossetti as she had dinner at an event celebrating Florence Nightingale's return from the Crimean War. From that point onwards, she became one of the most divisive characters in Pre-Raphaelite art history.

  4. 20 mar 2015 · The Mystery of Fanny Cornforth. March 20, 2015 by Stephanie Chatfield. Once again, it’s #WombatFriday! This week, I am sharing a story with you because for Pre-Raphaelite enthusiasts, this is a profound discovery. Fanny Cornforth was a frequent model for for Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

  5. 28 mag 2017 · Figura femminile dolente e tormentata, Fanny Cornforth fu modella e amante del celebre pittore britannico. Due esperienze che si stanno svolgendo in parallelo, puntano a fare luce sulla sua vicenda e a raccogliere fondi per realizzare una lapide commemorativa.

  6. Beautiful, spirited, and rambunctious, Fanny Cornforth made her mark on the world as a model and muse of Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

  7. 17 mag 2017 · Viso angelico incorniciato da lunghe chiome ramate, labbra turgide, occhi languidi e pelle diafana: Fanny Cornforth, al secolo Sarah Cox, nata nel 1835 a Steyning, in Inghilterra, fu una delle...