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  1. Jeremy Bernard Corbyn (IPA: [ˈkɔːrbɪn]) (Chippenham, 26 maggio 1949 [2]) è un politico britannico, leader del Partito Laburista dal 2015 al 2020 nonché, a seguito delle elezioni generali britanniche del 2017, dell'opposizione di governo fino all'aprile 2020.

  2. Jeremy Corbyn - Wikipedia ... Jeremy Corbyn

  3. 6 giorni fa · LONDRA – Insieme a quattro deputati musulmani, Jeremy Corbyn ha formato un nuovo gruppo pro-Gaza alla Camera dei Comuni, che potrebbe presto crescere di dimensioni con l’ingresso di sette ...

  4. 28 mar 2023 · A Labour member since his teenage years, Jeremy Corbyn has been a devotee to the party he led through one of the most turbulent periods in British political history.

  5. 28 mar 2023 · A Labour member since his teenage years, Jeremy Corbyn has been a devotee to the party he led through one of the most turbulent periods in British political history.

  6. 4 lug 2024 · Members of the Labour Party have resigned to campaign for independent candidate Jeremy Corbyn.

  7. 5 lug 2024 · Jeremy Corbyn very nearly scooped up half of the vote in Islington North to win this seat for the 11th time - but it's his first victory as an independent candidate rather than Labour, the...